Modules, Options & API
Our software modules can also be purchased separately, independent of the main products of the Product Suite.
This is possible thanks to our open system architecture EROSA-
You benefit from one of the widest ranges of flexible and powerful software modules for robot simulation.
EASY-ROB™ is a harmonized family of software modules for planning, programming and simulation of various industrial robots and kinematics.
Whether handling, assembly or coating with just one robot or with multiple robots (Single-/Multi-Robot Version) – all process and motion sequences can be programmed and immediately visualized in 3D scenarios.
100% compatibility within the EASY-ROB™ Product Suite gives you 100% flexibility for your simulation and designing your software product.

Collision-free path planning
EASY-ROB™ AutoPath™ calculates and generates collision-free intermediate positions (PTP) to allow a robot to reach a target without collision.
The automatic calculation makes the work of the operator considerably easier.
And also brings Robotics 4.0 for your software!
3D Visualization for Industry
The powerful EASY-ROB™ VISU is designed for integration into technology-based software applications. Finally, visualize processes, display problems, or just let your customers and colleagues see the new project-
With EASY-ROB™ VISU, Industry 4.0 starts in your own software solution!
3D PDF export
The entire 3D simulation with animation in just one PDF document
Take advantage of the new EASY-ROB ™ 3D PDF export and create an animated PDF document of your simulation process in just a few steps.
Also available as SDK:
Integrate functions required in your technology-based software via C / C ++ and C # method class.
Collision Detection of 3D Objects
The high-performance EASY-ROB™ Collision is used for integration into technology-based software applications. Quickly and accurately check your 3D application for collisions-
It doesn‘t matter how big your models are, you can rely on EASY-ROB™ Collision!
APIs for software modules
The API Post-Process option is an API for creating individual post-processors so that programs for the robot / controller can be generated during the simulation. Two post-processor examples (ABB S4, KUKA KRL) can be adapted and expanded as required. Languages of other robot manufacturers can be generated by appropriate changes of the examples. The number of post processors is unlimited.
API-DYN Dynamic
By means of the API-DYN option you can develop and program the dynamic behavior as well as the position control of the robot.
With this API you can develop user defined functions for the position control of the dynamic model of the robot. The dynamic option allows to monitor the position control and the robot model during the simulation.
The API-UserDll option will customize EASY-ROB™ individual to your needs. Application-specific (own) dialogs can be developed, which will be automatically loaded with every program start of EASY-ROB™ and can then be operated.
API-KIN Kinematics
The API-KIN enables you to fully integrate user-defined kinematics.
The API is used to develop user-defined functions to solve the forward as well as inverse kinematic problem (IKP). Solutions for parallel kinematic machines (PKM) can also be developed with this interface as well as numerical solution concepts.
API-IPO Motion Planner
The API-IPO allows to develop and program your own motion planning and execution.
With this API you can develop user defined functions for the motion planning (interpolation) of the motions types PTP (synchronized point-to-point interpolation), LIN (linear interpolation) und CIRC (circular interpolation).
With the aid of the API-Sensors interface you can connect external devices e.g. as a SpaceMouse or digitizers directly to EASY-ROB™ for recording joint values and Cartesian positions for visualization.
EASY-ROB™ offers several options for flexible licensing.
Additional Options
By the use of the RunTime option protected work cells can produced and then be loaded and simulated in the free EASY-ROB™ Viewer. Screenshots, AVI videos and animated VRML files can then be generated from the Viewer.
The RunTime option is ideal for supporting sales and in customer presentations. Simulations and results can be forwarded as needed to customers or added to an offer.
The NC Simulation option allows you to create your machine tool using 3-D CAD data exported from your CAD or CAD / CAM system. 3-, 4- or even 5-axis machine tools can be easily created. In addition to the internal programming language ERPL (EASY-ROB™ Program Language), also NC code according to DIN66025 can be interpreted and executed.