The EASY-ROB™ Kernel offers immediately more than 1000 kinematics, robots and devices for kinematics calculations, as well as trajectory planning (motion interpolation) for different motion types such as PTP-, SLEW-, LIN- and CIRC-movements. A powerful collision detection and a collision free path planner 'AutoPath' is available as well. Additionally functions for some useful math calculation are supplied.
The purpose of the EASY-ROB™ Kernel is to be integrated in technology based software application (host application) developed by OEM Partners. This kernel provides API-functions and services for complete robotics functionality. The host application is in charge for the 3D visualization and the administration of all geometries and handles of all kinematics. The EASY-ROB™ Kernel supplies a handle for every loaded kinematics.
The EASY-ROB™ Kernel provides mathematics, kinematics and trajectory planner capabilities, as well as algorithms for collision detection.
Robot Kinematics
- Load existing EASY-ROB™ robots, devices, tools, etc.
- All standard, optional robots*) and user defined devices are available
- Access to all robots attributes
- Forward kinematics transformation
- Inverse coordinate transformation
- TCP- and Joint-Jogging
- Access to all robots axis coordinate systems
Robot Trajectory planning and -execution
- Motion types: PTP, SLEW, LIN and CIRC
- Tool guided movement
- Work piece guided movement, external tcp
- Track Motion
- Conveyor Tracking
- Tracking Windows for painting applications with conveyor tracking
- External synchronized positioner
- Wait
- Automatic reduction of the speed, due to singularity
- Cycle time estimation, different velocity profiles
Collision Detection
- High performed collision detection with three different query types
- COLLIDE detects collision between two Models
- DISTANCE computes the distance between two Models
- TOLERANCE checks if distance between Models is <= tolerance
- Collision Result functions for detailed status information
- Collision free path planning, based on RRT Algorithm (Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees)
- AutoPath calculates waypoints for devices and robots to avoid collisions and other constraints
- Maximum configuration space up to 24
- Individual constraints can be verified in a user defined callback function
- AutoPath calculation can run in a thread or via a direct function call
- Multiplication / inversion / transpose routines for homogeneous transformation matrices (frames)
- Frame conversion into Euler angles (i.e. Yaw Pitch Roll) and quaternion or vice versa
- Routines for building frames (i.e. RotX, RotY, RotZ, TransXYZ and more ...)
Application Programming Interface (API)
The API-Functions and methods respectively services are ajar to the RRS-interface description Realistic Robot Simulation (RRS).
This API is available in two version. The first original version provides Standard ANSI-C compatible functions. The second version wraps these functions and exports the method class ERK_CAPI, which gives a better structure and is easier to use. We recommend Microsoft® Visual Studio C++. Other compilers are possible as well.
The EASY-ROB™ Kernel is available on windows x64.
To work with the original version, the below two header files are required
They declare data types and interface functions supplied with this Kernel and for usages in the host application. The exported functions are also available in the module definition file (EasySimKernel.def).
To work with the the method class ERK_CAPI, the below two header files are required
class ERK_CAPI
A Method class containing all other ERK_CAPI_* classes
The main class ERK_CAPI is sub-divided in following classes
- ERK_CAPI_ADMIN Method class to administrate the EASY-ROB™ Kernel
- ERK_CAPI_DEVICES Method class to create, attach, update devices, for kinematics calculations and for trajectory-planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_SIM Method class for simulation settings
- ERK_CAPI_AUTOPATH Method class for collision free path planning
- ERK_CAPI_GEO Method class to handle 3D Geometry Data
- ERK_CAPI_SYS Method class for mathematical calculations, simulation status, units
A Method class to administrate the EASY-ROB™ Kernel
A Method class to create, attach, update devices, for kinematics calculations and for trajectory-planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_DEVICES Method class to create, attach, update devices, for kinematics calculations and for trajectory-planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_ROB Method class for kinematics and transformations
- ERK_CAPI_MOP Method class for trajectory planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_TOOLPATH Method class for tool path definition
A Method class for kinematics and transformations
- ERK_CAPI_ROB Method class for kinematics and transformations
- ERK_CAPI_ROB_KIN Method class forward-, Inverse kinematics, desired robot joints, tools, position w.r.t. world and reference system
- ERK_CAPI_ROB_ATRIBUTES Method class for robot/device attributes, travel ranges, home position, device name, ...
A Method class for trajectory planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_MOP Method class for trajectory planning and -execution
- ERK_CAPI_MOP_DATA Method class for start-, target data, motion time, etc
- ERK_CAPI_MOP_PATH Method class for path specifications, motion type (PTP, LIN, CIRC), speeds, acceleration, waiting time, etc.
- ERK_CAPI_MOP_PREP Method class for trajectory-planning with preparation
- ERK_CAPI_MOP_EXEC Method class for trajectory-execution
A Method class for tool path definition
A Method class for simulation settings
A Method class for collision free path planning
A Method class to handle 3D Geometry Data
A Method class for mathematical calculations, simulation status, units
- ERK_CAPI_SYS Method class for mathematical calculations, simulation status, units
- ERK_CAPI_SYS_UTILITIES Method class for helping functions, color conversion, etc.
- ERK_CAPI_SYS_MATHEMATICS Method class for mathematical calculations, multiplications of homogeneous matrices, conversion Euler angle, triangle calculations, formula parser, etc.
Information and Support
Web: EASY-ROB™ Kernel
OEM Products & Partners
Below OEM Partners have implemented the EASY-ROB™ Kernel into their technology based software products. Some other customers use the kernel for miscellaneous application.
EASY-ROB Software GmbH
Hauptstr. 42
65719 Hofheim am Taunus, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 6192 921 70-77
Copyright© JUN 2024 EASY-ROB by EASY-ROB Software GmbH